- “Ireland and Iceland join forces at debut Northern Lights Observatory event”,
The Journal, 18th February 2011
- “When Islands Put Their Heads Together“, The Irish Times, Feb 23 2011
- “Sharing tales of meltdown: jokers help rescue Iceland“, The Irish Times, Feb 26 2011
- “Ministry of Ideas uses methods of open-source software development to spark social change“,
The Irish Times, March 4th 2011
- “Drop Everything Was The Gig of A Lifetime”, Pop Lives, The Irish Times, May 31st 2012
- “When Ireland Met Iceland”, The Reykjavík Grapevine, July 2011
- “Inspirational films will show how Iceland is responding to economic crisis“, The Galway Advertiser,
7th July 2011
- Guðjón Már Guðjónsson, Ministry Of Ideas, Iceland – Using The ‘wisdom Of Crowds’ To Galvanise Change,
Business & Leadership
- Lady Gaga – Ireland’s Soloution, Jon Gnarr – Mayor of Reykjavik and founder of the Best Party recommends
Lady Gaga to the Irish government. Reykjavik’s Chair of Culture & Tourism agrees in this KCWTV interview.
(Video below)